Portland (ME-UCAS):ECHO

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---Casco Bay Digital Alliance <01:14:27 / 05-25-57>

In Brief / Facts At A Glance
For those of you unfamiliar with the area, you're probably working on the premise that Portland and Maine in general aren't worth your time. Well, that's your loss. For those of you wiser than that (or just interested in the world in general), this is a real standard primer on the region. A lot of it is pirated from tourist type brochures, but you get the idea.

A pretty standard document covering the recent history of Portland, from around the turn of the millenium on up to pretty recent stuff. This will help set you up with some of the "hows" and "whys" of the area.

Places to Go
Portland has its places to go. Bars, cafes, restaurants. It's got a little bit of everything. It may not be Seattle, or even Boston, but it is Portland, and what else does it need to be? The database is growing as the locals contribute their favorites. We're not trying to include everything though. After all, at some point we need to encourage you to jack out and take a fraggin walk.

A few of the individuals of note in Portland. Some sketchy, some shady, some legit, some not. A grab bag. And a growing database. As interesting people turn up, we plug them in. Check back for new faces.

To aid in your knowledge and navigation of the region, these two maps have been provided. At left is a map of the Portland area, including the surrounding towns. At right is a closer scale map of the downtown area, including the Old Port.