The Ares Agenda

Ask any street sammy.  "What do you trust the most?"  They'll tell you it's their Ares Predator or their Ares Monosword or some other Ares weapon.  Ask any military combat pilot the same question.  They'll tell you it's their Ares Tumult or their Ares Dasher.  Go uptown and ask anyone on the block who provides the security for their home.  They'll say Knight-Errant, an Ares subsidiary.  Everywhere you look, someone seems to be relying on an Ares product.  Everybody loves Ares.  And that's what's so dangerous about this megacorporation.

>>>>>[What's this guy talking about?]<<<<<
---Blaster 15 <11:19:04 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[I think I know.  In general, Ares is quite well trusted.  A favorable light has been shed on them by the media and everyone else.  People love Ares.  No one questions their actions.  And that makes for a very dangerous situation.]<<<<<
---Fiddler <14:34:23 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[Don't be too sure about all that.  Reputation is a very subjective thing and it always depends on who you talk to.]<<<<<
---Eight-Ball <14:38:12 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[Wow, how naive do you think I am?  What I'm saying is, in general (and this is talking about your average shmoe) if you ask someone, they'll tell you they think Ares Macrotechnology is doing great things with its resources.  Hell, some of them will probably tell you they've even invested in Ares.  Unfortunately, that's what makes them the average shmoe, they don't dig deeper...they ignore a lot of obvious, glaring facts.]<<<<<
---Fiddler <14:40:01 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[By the way, Fiddler, how did your last run go?  Heard Ares paid real well.]<<<<<
---Maria <14:44:38 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[Hey, I never said I was an Ares fan.  I did my research and that run was clean enough.  I don't get involved in anything that could mess up my karma, you know.  A shadowrun's a shadowrun, alright.  The employer doesn't matter.]<<<<<
---Fiddler <14:46:20 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[Unless the employer fucked you over in some way...]<<<<<
---Painted Face <16:20:20 / 06-12-58> 

What's going on?
It's actually really obvious what's going on here.  Ares Macrotechnology is executing a slow, calculated maneuver to achieve and maintain a stranglehold on the world's economy.  They have established themselves as an integral part of most of the world's economy.  What allows them to continue their massive expansion is the high reputation they maintain around the world.  They insert their subsidiaries everywhere, leeching off the population through arms sales, security contracts, and a broad variety of other services.  Coming from a business standpoint, it isn't productive to go for world domination.  Instead, let the governments stand and maintain infrastructures, etc., while they reap all the monetary benefits.

>>>>>[This guy's serious.  Ares is the infrastructure in some places.  In the Detroit, Knight-Errant runs the town security, Ares Fusion provides the electricity, a good portion of the local shops are Ares owned (and I'm talking about the groceries and stuff like that), and it has become real difficult for any other megacorps to get their little tootsies in the town.  And what kind of heat do the local gangs pack?  Ares Predators, of course.]<<<<<
---Grater <12:14:40 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[The gang thing is easily accounted for...  Ares is right there, of course they're going to litter the area gun stores with their own weapons.  Besides, I'm sure the owners of those shops love it, they have so much less to pay for shipping.]<<<<<
 ---Long Tom <15:50:04 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[Exactly his point.  Ares has a tight hold on the region.  Nothing gets sold without them getting a piece of it.  They've owned Michigan Mills Grocers for years.  The local utilities are owned by Ares.  Even the "other megacorp items" you buy somehow go through Ares.  That Fuchi cyberdeck you buy at the corner Electronics Shop is marked up because the shop is Ares owned...  Hence in order for Fuchi to sell their decks, they have to sell them to Ares first.]<<<<<
 ---Daizee Chains <20:17:57 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[But why would Ares sell gear from other megacorps? Especially stuff like cyberdecks?]<<<<<
 ---Cable <01:08:03 / 06-13-58>

>>>>>[Street sam aren't you?  Well, the first part of your question was already answered ... why wouldn't they sell other people's stuff as long as they're getting part of the cash?  As for the second part, any decker worth his datajack builds his own cyberdeck.  Why (you pithy street sams ask)?  Because commercial decks have algorithms built into the firmware to leave an easily traceable signature throughout the Matrix.  That way, everyone knows where you've been.  At any rate, if Ares is the one that sells those decks, then chances are they have recorded that signature and can track you whenever you log on ... if they're so inclined...]<<<<<
 ---Mona Lisa Override <NULL:TIME:STAMP / NULL-DATE-STAMP>

Who's in control?
Easy question to answer.  Damien Knight.  His past is shrouded in all kinds of mystery, but once you get started down the right path, everything starts to fall into place.  Let me lay out for you what I do know...

His history's a tough dig, but from what I can tell, Knight (whether that was always his name or not) was involved in military style operations prior to his involvement with Ares.  I am not certain, however, what the extent and exact type of involvement his military background consists of.  Then, in 2033, Knight's control of the corporation began with his infamous Nanosecond Buyout.  Through that single, complex series of computer executed transactions, he disintegrated three corporations, shattered the lives of two multi-millionaires, and acquired just slightly over 22 percent of Ares Macrotechnology, enough to grant him total dominance of the company.  So how did a mili-type possess the necessary knowledge to arrange such a transaction?  Well, if I am not mistaken, Damien Knight's real (or at least former) name was David Gavilan.  That's right, Major David Gavilan, USAF, NSA liason, commanding officer of the Echo-Mirage project which basically saved the world's computer networks.  Knight was there when the Matrix was created, he has more intuitive knowledge of it than anyone.  From there it was simply a matter of taking the reigns of the world's most extensive aerospace/arms producing corporation.

>>>>>[Wait a second, if Knight/Gavilan is such a Matrix wiz, why didn't he buy out Fuchi or Renraku or Mitsuhama or some other ass-whoopin' computer company?]<<<<<
---Fairweather <11:32:50 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[Why perform such a dead give-away maneuver, Mr. Ford?]<<<<<
---Grey Madder <14:17:31 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[Does anyone else get the picture of how dangerous this makes Damien Knight?  He could probably crash the whole Shadowland network by himself if he chose to.  I mean, he's probably got more raw computer talent than Zapper Weisman ever did.  Stack that on top of the fact that he controls one of the most diverse and extensive companies in the world and...oh man.]<<<<<
---Digger <19:11:45 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[You're leaving something out.  Ares Macrotechnology controls more orbital habitats than any single entity in the world.  They have complete and total control of at least two significant platforms (Apollo and Daedalus), several minute ones and satellites, and they maintain a little over half of the other habitats in orbit.  Hell, they designed the weapons systems aboard the UCAS's prized Justice.  Let's face it, they control space.]<<<<<
---Sprocketface <21:00:13 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[But why would Knight be after world domination?]<<<<<
---Dr. Kewl <21:22:41 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[Seems like a logical step, I guess.  Anybody that starts to feel the high that that kind of power gives you could only want more.]<<<<<

>>>>>[I don't think it's that simple.  To him, it's something deeper, it's his passion for one-up-manship and raw advancement.  Knight won't be happy until he reaches the pinnacle of success on Earth.  Of course, given simple psychology, that won't be enough either.  By that point he'll have hatched a plan for expansion into space.  He wants to succeed where other "potential world rulers" have failed.]<<<<<
---Grey Madder <22:59:38 / 06-12-58>

>>>>>[And what makes you so smart?]<<<<<
---Element 47 <00:19:09 / 06-13-58>

>>>>>[I've had the privilege of being inside his home.  He likes showers.  The master bathroom, just off his well-furnished master bedroom is extremely lavish.  Sure, the sink and the fixtures and everything are nice, but there are two fancy shower stalls, both flanking a very large, very ornate bath tub.  Also, there isn't a single bathroom that doesn't at least have a shower in it.]<<<<<
---Grey Madder <00:26:02 / 06-13-58>

>>>>>[And would you like to explain that "psychology" please?]<<<<<
---Sabre <00:27:20 / 06-13-58>

>>>>>[Certainly.  His love for showers comes out of his low birth.  That's correct, Knight was not born into wealth.  Just the opposite, he was born into one of the poorest sections of Detroit.  He grew up filthy and grimey.  His only way out was through the Air Force.  He grew up in the shadow of the growing Ares Corporation.  We can only assume that his goal early in life was to run it.  Then everything just fell into place for him.  Through his carefully planned and executed tactics, of course.]<<<<<
---Grey Madder <00:31:56 / 06-13-58>

>>>>>[Impressive.  Most impressive.]<<<<<
---Vader <01:47:13 / 06-13-58>

>>>>>[Can we go back to this space thing for a second?  Someone mentioned that Ares basically has a controlling interest in quite the high percentage of orbital habitats and other space-born structures.  Is it just me, or does that not frighten the hell out of some of you?]<<<<<
 ---Keepsake <02:22:12 / 06-13-58>

>>>>>[Duly noted.  Most of those satellites are the ultimate in remote controlled toys.  They can be repositioned from anywhere on the globe.  If Knight was in the mood, he could reconfigure the orbits of enough of those satellites to crash into any orbital habitat he wanted, summarily destroying it.  Maybe that doesn't mean a whole lot to us "down here," but think of all the people that go to Freeside every year for vacation.  And then, what if he programs those satellites to crash into the Earth?  He could wipe out whole cities.]<<<<<

>>>>>[Unlikely, most of those satellites aren't big enough to cause major damage since they'd probably burn up upon re-entry.  Besides, every satellite launched into orbit since 2039 is supposed to be made out of a specific polymer which, though durable enough to withstand most orbital impacts, disintegrates completely when re-entering Earth's atmosphere.]<<<<<

>>>>>[True, but there are still "old" satellites in orbit, not to mention all the orbital habitats which are not required to meet that code.]<<<<<
 ---Astronut <08:04:50 / 06-13-58>

>>>>>[Hate to feel like I'm side tracking ya'll, but think of it more in terms of this: Knight can get away whenever he wants.  If government heat starts getting on him...F-that, off he goes to chill out on Daedalus.  If corporate clones get riotous...F-that, off to Daedalus.  If someone's threatening his life...F-that, Daedalus again.  And if he decided to play around with his sub-tactical nukes...F-everyone's off to Daedalus.  He's the only person in the world with that kind of capacity to hide.]<<<<<
---Chi <09:14:41 / 06-13-58>

>>>>>[Ha!  He could nuke the world if he wanted, but it wouldn't do him a whole lot of good.  He could run off to his little space station and be dead within a year when the oxygen and food and water ran out.]<<<<<
---KRS-1X <11:24:17 / 06-13-58>

>>>>>[Don't be so naïve.  If you'd like to check stock reports from the last 15 years or so, Ares has a limited partnership with Fields Agricultural Corporation and maintains their "Greenstar" orbital habitat.  Plus, Damien Knight is a major contributor to the Gateway Foundation and has been for years.]<<<<<

>>>>>[I don't think any of us are safe.  Something has got to be done about this...]<<<<<
---Chrome Eddie <12:40:06 / 06-13-58>

Not to assume too much about most GM's, but Ares is generally portrayed as one of the more benevolent megacorporations -- a conniving backstabbing organization just the same, but let's face it, they're not Aztechnology.  Ares is mostly given an angle as being a friend, perhaps even a patron to the shadowrunning sub-culture.  By virtue of their megacorporate status, it would seem likely that they would enlist the assistance of shadow assets for some of their more legally ambiguous activities.  They are also a major producer of arms and other assets considered key to the shadowrunning industry.

However, what if the tables were turned?  What if, despite their godlike reputation, Ares was up to no good?  Maybe Damien Knight and his Ares Macrotechnology are not necessarily out for world domination or anything to the sinster slant, but suppose there was something of a megalomaniacal complex at work.  Ares was attempting to become the epitome of the corporation.  The ultimate monopoly.  A nation-state without borders on which everyone was dependent.

When working with the Ares Agenda, involve the runners heavily with the megacorporation.  Due to the internal combat within Ares, bear in mind that the "Agenda" is the work of Damien Knight alone; therefore he and his associates are the ones the runners would be dealing with.  Try to animate Damien Knight as being the quintessential mastermind; he is in complete control of his company and very aware of all key events which have potential to affect him.  He may involve himself directly with the runners at some point, or remain the whole time at arms length, watching from afar.  Knight is the motive behind all actions taken with relation to the Ares Agenda.  Runs originating from the Agenda may involve the elimination of Ares personnel "hostile" to Knight's plans (such as Leonard Aurelius), other corporations, government officials standing in his way, etc.  Knight will place the runners in harms way at every turn, expecting out of them only what he knows they are capable of, though not necessarily what they know they are capable of themselves.  However, at all times, Knight maintains the runners as expendable assets.  If at all possible, he will never place himself or his assets in a position in which they might be compromised.  Ultimately, the runners will outlive their usefulness to Knight and he will either discard them or eliminate them.

However, the Ares Agenda can also be run from the opposite end, with the runners employed by one or more entities who are attempting to halt Knight's plans.  Candidates for this are Leonard Aurelius (the Ares Chairman of the Board), competing megacorporations, government entities, Stephen Mills-Fargo ("the Neon Samurai"), among others.  When using the Ares Agenda from this angle, the runners then become involved in a tangled web of an up-hill battle as they struggle to first acquire evidence of the "agenda" and then bring it to the public's attention.