Constant Sun Orbital

Owner:  Nipponese Imperial State 
Date of Completion:  November 15, 2038 
Telecom Grid Access:  (ORB/SUN) 
System Rating: Red-14 / UltraViolet-7 
Population: Crew: 19
Guests: up to 44
Location:  geosynchronous orbit over Tokyo
Type:  Network
Access:  via NIS approved commercial shuttles

The Japanese national space station, Constant Sun Orbital provides a sense of national pride, giving the country a strong extraterrestrial presence with this combination military installation and orbital power generator.  The bulk of Constant Sun Orbital's surface area is made up of solar panels, making habitat a glorified version of the fleet of collector satellites Japan uses to provide its Empire with solar power.  Otherwise, the station is well-equipped for bombardment purposes, though it has surprisingly few "advanced" energy weapons. Also, Constant Sun Orbital is equipped to accommodate up to 44 guests at a time.

>>>>>[Astronut? Where are you? Explain.]<<<<<
---Ions and Fructose <21:18:56 / 09-12-57>

>>>>>[This one I do have answers on. The Nipponese have developed a method of harnessing the solar energy and converting/diverting it into a sort of stream of highly charged photons. This stream of photons acts as thrust to keep the orbital from getting out of position. Surprisingly, this doesn't cut too much into the amount of energy accumulated which is then "beamed" down to Japan for consumption. (You know a good 70% of Japan's energy resources are from these solar collection units in space. Aside from Constant Sun, there are an additional 36 satellites which serve the same purpose.)]<<<<<
---Astronut <16:20:31 / 09-16-57>

>>>>>[Calling those 44 open slots "guest slots" is something of a stretch. Twice a year, for 2 month stretches each time, those 44 slots are (mostly) filled w/ crew-members-in-training (or up on refresher courses). The rest of the year, they CAN be reserved by civilians. But only if they're extremely rich. And only if they aren't bumped from their slots by members of the Imperial royal family.]<<<<<
---Houston Quick-Step <21:03:16 / 09-20-57>

>>>>>[And only if there's no national emergency. You know that's where the highest ranking members of the Imperial family go when there's a national crisis of apocalyptic proportions, right?]<<<<<
---Gaijin in Chiba <05:14:14 / 09-21-57>