>>>>>[Goods, goods, goods. If you feel like including fire as an element of your repertoire (and who doesn't these days?) then you'll find one of these flamethrowers absolutely necessary. If such is the case, contact us through the usual channels.]<<<<<
---Firefly & Striker <03:42:37 / 12-05-54>

Ares "Flashfire"
The smallest flamethrowing device on the market. The Ares Flashfire is perfect for the little arsonist. It is small and easily concealed and accepts standard sized gel-pack rounds. It is about the size of a light pistol, but weighs considerably less. It entails a simple flint-pick ignition system and is a favorite among many inner-city Shadowrunners looking for a quick diversion.

Concealability: 8 Ammunition: 2 (b)
Mode: SS Damage: 6L
Weight: 0.5 kg Cost: 1,500¥
Availability: 4/3 weeks Street Index: 1.25

Go directly to ammo.

>>>>>[Fire! FIRE! FIRE!!!]<<<<<
---Beavis <04:16:32 / 12-05-54>

>>>>>[Come off it. It's just a glorified cigarette lighter. Don't get yourself all loud and dizzy over it.]<<<<<
---Furlong <04:55:14 / 12-05-54>

>>>>>[Not entirely true. This thing saved my ass on one occassion. I was pinned down behind a dumpster in this alley with about three or four lesser-corp lackeys chasing me. They kept creeping closer and closer, firing from their Uzi III's all the time. So I backed myself up against the fence, yanked the Flashfire from my coat pocket and fired. The dumpster burst into flames, sending the lackeys for a loop. It gave me those fine-tuned few seconds I needed to get over the fence. What lighter is gonna hit a dumpster at five meters?]<<<<<
---Firefly <06:49:02 / 12-05-54>


Ares "Flamer"
The premier in flamethrowing devices. The Ares Flamer is lightweight, about the size of a submachine gun and packs a mean torch. This is the most common of all flamethrowers, and rated as one of the best on the market. It also holds a cartridge of twenty gel-pack rounds to be ignited at the time of firing. They are held in a clip loaded in the side of the gun.

Concealability: 5 Ammunition: 20 (c)
Mode: SS Damage: 8L
Weight: 2.5 kg Cost: 6,000¥
Availability: 5/2 weeks Street Index: 1.5

Go directly to ammo.

Ares "Firestrike"
The ultimate in flamethrowing devices. The Firestrike employs a fuel ignition device which is linked, via a hose, to the fuel pack which is carried on the user's back. The Firestrike is noted for its ability to launch a "burst," where it fires several bursts of flame within close proximity of each other. This is called the "wave," and is quite destructive if properly employed.

Concealability: 2 Ammunition: 20 (c)
Mode: SS Damage: 8M
Weight: 7.5 kg Cost: 10,000¥
Availability: 6/4 weeks Street Index: 2

Go directly to ammo.

>>>>>[As if starting fires wasn't enough. Now we can raze entire neighborhoods without reloading.]<<<<<
---Findler-Man <10:10:04 / 12-05-54>

Flamethrower Ammo

per 10 shots
Flamethrower ammo traditionally is bought in a pack of ten gel- fuel rounds. They can then be loaded into a clip or other dispensing device. When exposed to sparks or intense heat, these rounds have been known to explode.

Concealability: 5 Damage: see weapon
Weight: 1.5 kg Cost: 120¥
Availability: 4/48 hours Street Index: 1.25

>>>>>[Also very handy for making incendiary devices.]<<<<<
---Flame Retard <17:01:39 / 12-05-54>

GM's Notes

Defend against flamethrower attacks using 1/2 the value of Impact armor. Also, GM's may wish to keep track of stray shots and the likelihood of starting fires with these weapons.

Flamethrower Ranges

Short:  0-10 meters
Medium:  11-20 meters
Long:  21-30 meters
Extreme:  31-35 meters