Australia c.2056


>>>>>[Updated Australia dump. Table of contents for the lazy.]<<<<<
---Commander Zippo, SysOp <00:00:06 / 06-14-56>

Aboriginal Australian Council

Federal Australian Republic

Imperial New Zealand

Republic of New Zealand

Map of Australia

>>>>>[Oh this sounds like loads and loads of fun...]<<<<<
---Hathead <00:51:19 / 06-14-56>

Aboriginal Australian Council
Affectionately referred to as Walkabout, this nation comprises the western two-thirds of the island continent of Australia. Its borders cover what was formerly known as the territories of Western Australia, South Australia, and the Northern Territory. There are no longer any internal borders here, as the peaceful Aboriginal tribes do not require them. The state is relatively peaceful and fields only a scanty army. The meager government is comprised solely of a handful of justice issuing elders who are, for the most part, more concerned with Dreaming than with crimes. Magical practices are predominantly shamanistic and modern technology is noticeably absent. However, for its occupants, Walkabout is a wonderful place to live.

>>>>>[True to point, the technocrats make the place look like the most ass backwards place in the world.]<<<<<
---The Leaf <01:19:16 / 06-17-56>

>>>>>[But isn't it?]<<<<<
---Tom Tom <01:24:15 / 06-17-56>

>>>>>[Typical techno-centric response. Regardless... The natives, who rarely emerge from the bush, shy away from technology. Us "technocrats" can't get close enough to them to find out if its fear or simple dislike or what. But don't rule technology out completely. The cities of Perth and Darwin are worth a visit. They're no Tokyo- Chiba, but if you're heading down to Walkabout and you need a break from the bush, check into one of those two.]<<<<<
---Cliphat <02:49:07 / 06-16-56>

>>>>>[Rumor has it that the "scanty army" is in action. What's the scoop on that?]<<<<<
---Tiger Tooth <04:47:12 / 06-16-56>

>>>>>[Not much, border skirmishes with the Fed-Aussies and an occasional flicker of sparks between the Walkabouts and the land pirates.]<<<<<
---Cliphat <04:57:32 / 06-16-56>


Government Type:  Tribal Council 
Capital:  none 
Regional Telecom Grid Access:  (PA/AAC) 
Population:  3,456,000 
  • Human: 63%
  • Elf: 5%
  • Dwarf: 14%
  • Ork: 11%
  • Troll: 4%
  • Other: 3%
Per Capita Income:  9,550¥ 
Below Poverty Level:  1% 
On Fortune's Active Trader List:  <1% 
Megacorporate Affiliation:  0% 
Felonious Crime Rate:  4 per 1,000 annum 
  • High School Equivalency: N/A
  • College Equivalency: N/A
  • Advanced Studies Certificates: N/A
  • >>>>>[ ? ? ? ? ? ? ]<<<<<
    ---Nuyen Nick <02:05:16 / 06-16-56>

    >>>>>[I know what you're thinking... "None of this drek makes sense." Well, it doesn't until you've been to Walkabout. For starters, the population. It's low. No big deal. Australia's never been much of a hub of activity. The Aborigines make up the bulk of that three and a half million, too. There are only a handful of white folk left in Walkabout, and they're concentrated in Darwin, Perth, and Alice Springs (in that order). The Tribal Council has been sure to make life tough for them, too. As for the meta-types...that defies explanation. Dwarves and orks were the predominant expressions and are embraced by the society. The trolls, though slightly outcast, are not persecuted and have formed their own bonds. The elves, on the other hand are highly persecuted and are considered the work of the Evil Spirit. Also note the strangely high number of "other" I said, it defies explanation. Scrolling down we find the income statistics. How do they smell? Fishy? Well, I got you there. The Aborigines have no use for nuyen. They just don't. They consider their poverty line in terms of a persons worth and, since only one percent of them are good-for-nothings, only one percent of them are below the poverty line. As for the corporate affiliation...well, they have no major assets there, they choose not to market there, and the Tribal Council has, in the past, made it very unprofitable for them to be there. As for's all in how they think.]<<<<<
    ---Cliphat <03:14:52 / 06-16-56>

    Federal Australian Republic
    This is what became of the "old" Australia. The eastern third of the continent is where the FAR can be found. Its population mostly consists of your typical white "Aussie," and its culture is quite unique, difficult to describe, and a striking contrast to its continental neighbors. It maintains a modest military and keeps its ties with the rest of the world as cordial as possible.


    Government Type:  Representative Democracy 
    Capital:  Canberra 
    Regional Telecom Grid Access:  (PA/FAR) 
    Population:  14,876,000 
    • Human: 68%
    • Elf: 14%
    • Dwarf: 12%
    • Ork: 4%
    • Troll: 1%
    • Other: 1%
    Per Capita Income:  14,820¥ 
    Below Poverty Level:  14% 
    On Fortune's Active Trader List:  2% 
    Megacorporate Affiliation: 6% 
    Felonious Crime Rate:  16 per 1,000 annum 
  • High School Equivalency: 54%
  • College Equivalency: 22%
  • Advanced Studies Certificates: <1%
  • >>>>>[Sounds pretty grim.]<<<<<
    ---Lil' Suzie <09:16:32 / 06-16-56>

    >>>>>[Trust me. It is. Especially in the bigger cities like Sydney and Melbourne. Crime is high. Pop culture is all about drugs and BTLs. Racism flourishes. Yeah, it's grim alright. With a capital G.]<<<<<
    ---Cliphat <09:38:28 / 06-16-56>

    >>>>>[I heard Australia's the place to be for merc ops. What's the chip truth on that?]<<<<<
    ---pOrk-gRind <11:17:39 / 06-18-56>

    >>>>>[You heard mostly right. Mercenary activity is very high in the FAR right now. Shadowruns are going down all over the place in the bigger cities while the corps jockey for position in this ripening fruit of a continent. Meanwhile die- hard/hard-corps mercenary mercenaries are finding work in the interior. Bandits and pirates and the like are known to distrub the trains and caravans that move through the savannahs and the steppes. Those supply lines are fragile and merc help is greatly appreciated by the FAR government. In addition to that, they could always use a few hands trying to bust the borders of Walkabout and snatch the sucker back.]<<<<<
    ---Caseless Joe <14:16:20 / 06-18-56>

    >>>>>[How dare you advocate merc jobs of that kind? Let the Aussies and the Walkabouts fight it out themselves. A good merc knows better than to get into that kind of situation.]<<<<<
    ---Cliphat <14:22:06 / 06-18-56>

    >>>>>[Ethics are details... Real mercs only pay attention to the important details. Ethics are not one of them.]<<<<<
    ---Crusher <16:09:15 / 06-18-56>

    Imperial New Zealand
    Occupying South Island and the many smaller islands around it, Imperial New Zealand created itself, almost spontaneously around the time of the Awakening. No one is exactly sure how the revolution came about, but in a lightning fast war, the two islands of New Zealand split, and Imperial New Zealand arose on South Island. The most formidable force in the Australian region, Imperial New Zealand is the only nation in the region the megacorps pay a whole lot of attention to.

    >>>>>[Besides the others, which just get jotted down as pieces of meat, due for carving up.]<<<<<
    ---Eight-Ball <08:04:01 / 06-16-56>



    Government Type:  Monarchy 
    Capital:  Christchurch 
    Regional Telecom Grid Access:  (PA/INZ) 
    Population:  9,568,000 
    • Human: 64%
    • Elf: 21%
    • Dwarf: 8%
    • Ork: 4%
    • Troll: 2%
    • Other: 1%
    Per Capita Income:  32,680¥ 
    Below Poverty Level:  7% 
    On Fortune's Active Trader List:  2% 
    Megacorporate Affiliation:  8% 
    Felonious Crime Rate:  3 per 1,000 annum 
  • High School Equivalency: 88%
  • College Equivalency: 62%
  • Advanced Studies Certificates: 12%
  • >>>>>[Don't be fooled by the figures, boys and girls. There is a certain segment of the population which, although incorporated into their population figure, is disregarded for most of their statistics. It's a ploy to make them look good in the eyes of the world. Example: their shadow community and their SINless are dismissed to give them that ever so keen looking 88%, 66%, & 12%. Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes.]<<<<<
    ---Dangerman <09:18:49 / 06-17-56>

    >>>>>["No one is exactly sure how the revolution came about"?  That's a big drek pile if I ever heard one.  This is INZ's deal: Prior to the Awakening, the INZ was for all intents and purposes ... well ... rural.  Post-Awakening though is another story.  Maori tribesman began to find their rituals a bit more "capable" and before too long a powerful Maori elder motivated his people into something resembling the Great Ghost Dance of North America.  By 2031 they had established their presence on the island through displays of powerful magic.  After that they managed to turn over a few industrialization projects into lucrative enterprises and asserted themselves as a power in the area.  They began to pose a threat to RNZ by 2039, which is when they began to make advances toward it, the Maori in control looking to reclaim control of both islands.]<<<<<
    ---Zealmand <10:45:16 / 06-20-56>

    >>>>>[Why didn't the RNZ keep control of South Island when they could?  You know, launch some kind of military strike before the INZ could mobilize its industrial interests?]<<<<<
    ---1thru3 <11:15:22 / 06-20-56>

    >>>>>[Because for whatever reason North Island "Awakened" a bit slower than South Island.  I would wager it had something to do with North Island's industrialization prior to the Awakening.  Whatever the reason, the RNZ had no means of combatting the Maori magic and by the time the INZ was starting to mobilize itself industrially, the RNZ was still in the midst of its recovery after the '29 Crash.  So, while the RNZ may have launched a strike against its southern neighbor it was incapable of doing so since its computer/telecommunications assets were still not completely restored (and wouldn't be until February 2033).]<<<<<
    ---Zealmand <21:44:16 / 06-20-56>

    >>>>>[Why "INZ"?  Why an monarchy rather than a tribal council like Walkabout?]<<<<<
    ---SoHemPonderer <04:20:00 / 06-21-56>

    >>>>>[Because the Maori were not exactly in search of peaceful living and a return to "Dreamtime" like the continentals.  The Maori wanted to reclaim their lands and force the settlers out.  It would appear that there was quite a bit of bitterness sitting under their surface and the Awakening empowered them to do something about it.]<<<<<
    ---Zealmand <10:08:07 / 06-21-56>

    Republic of New Zealand
    Occupying North Island, the Republic of New Zealand is a fragile democracy struggling for political survival. Despite its relatively high population, level of education, and per capita income, the RNZ is constantly under attack by its southern neighbor, Imperial New Zealand. Its military is in a state of disintegration. They can not seem to replace their forces as fast as the INZ troops shoot them down.


    Government Type:  Representative Democracy 
    Capital:  Auckland 
    Regional Telecom Grid Access:  (PA/RNZ) 
    Population:  13,849,000 
    • Human: 54%
    • Elf: 20%
    • Dwarf: 12%
    • Ork: 9%
    • Troll: 4%
    • Other: 1%
    Per Capita Income:  22,000¥ 
    Below Poverty Level:  16% 
    On Fortune's Active Trader List:  2% 
    Megacorporate Affiliation:  14% 
    Felonious Crime Rate:  8 per 1,000 annum 
  • High School Equivalency: 64%
  • College Equivalency: 49%
  • Advanced Studies Certificates: 16%
  • >>>>>[Mercs and riggers are wanted in the RNZ pretty bad. INZ attacks are pretty frequent (about once or twice a week). The attacks, which are usually hit-and-fade and almost always from the south, have put a severe dent in the RNZ's ability to fight back. They're offering reasonably juicy contracts for pretty much all mercs. They do show preference for those with aerial and maritime experience though, as ground skirmishes are pretty rare. Riggers are in particular demand. Rigger buddy of mine, Gearface, he invested in three Dolphin II's before he sailed for the RNZ. Nice little ships as they are, he took about four months and stripped them, turning them into these nice little gunship/droneships. Each boat carries two Wandjina RPVs and is fully rigged for remote control. When he first got down there, he had to slave all three boats to his remote control deck and pilot them that way, hiring three lackeys (one for each boat) to man the drones. Of course, his status has improved and he's up to four ships. He's got a skipper, two techs, and at least one gunman aboard each boat and he just kicks it with his rigger deck aboard one of them, dealing with the drones. Nice, fat savings account, too.]<<<<<
    ---Eddie <11:09:18 / 06-16-56>


    >>>>>[Touristy babble erased from here.]<<<<<
    ---Commander Zippo, SysOp <00:12:53 / 06-14-56>



    Government Type:  Constitutional Oligarchy 
    Capital:  Hobart 
    Regional Telecom Grid Access:  (PA/TAS) 
    Population:  981,000 
    • Human: 42%
    • Elf: 2%
    • Dwarf: 8%
    • Ork: 30%
    • Troll: 18%
    • Other: 1%
    Per Capita Income:  16,700¥ 
    Below Poverty Level:  2% 
    On Fortune's Active Trader List:  0% 
    Megacorporate Affiliation:  0% 
    Felonious Crime Rate:  12 per 1,000 annum 
  • High School Equivalency: 22%
  • College Equivalency: 6%
  • Advanced Studies Certificates: <1%
  • >>>>>[Any comments? Anyone?]<<<<<
    ---Commander Zippo, SysOp <01:02:03 / 06-14-56>

    >>>>>[Yeah, I've got one. I'm a runner from Sydney. Like they said earlier in this file, Sydney's a dump. A bloody hell-hole. Real bad. Anyway, the heat was on for me and mates after this particular run of ours. We made a 'trix chop on some corp's mainframe, skittered off with some vital data, and nabbed our pay from our Johnson. Nonetheless it was getting right thick for us on the streets of Sydney. People busting caps at us from every direction. So we skee-daddled to Tasmania figuring to get away from it all for a spell. No such luck. The Tasmanians are these bloody devils with guns, no education, and a love for shooting everything. I don't know what's going on down there, but its bloody crazy.]<<<<<
    ---Crockpot <04:13:22 / 06-15-56>

    >>>>>[I'll tell you what's going on -- it's actually pretty simple. Around the time of Australia's mainland split, while what would become the FAR was battling what would become Walkabout, what few big multinational corporations were in Australia got nervous. Believe it or not the fighting that was going on was quite vicious. Anyway, since it was getting royally ignored by the government (whose hands were full with "the Dreamtime War") the Tasmanians decided to secede. Of course, they did so in quite an unprepared manner and what was left in their country was complete disarray. A select few have been struggling to put Tasmania back on track, but with no success.]<<<<<
    ---Dreamer <07:10:13 / 06-15-56>

    >>>>>[Then who is in control? What's this "Constitutional Oligarchy" thing?"]<<<<<
    ---3Xer <08:48:06 / 06-15-56>

    >>>>>[During the first few confusing years of Tasmania's contemporary history, several (we'll call them) controlling interests emerged. They primarily manifested themselves as warlords, powerful shamans, etc. Each controlled perceptively small parcels of land. As the first decade and a half passed, the more powerful of the lords emerged and wrote what is today's Tasmanian constitution. The constitution divides the island nation up into six districts. The island as a whole is governed by whoever emerges as the leader of each of the individual districts.]<<<<<
    ---Dreamer <10:06:29 / 06-15-56>

    >>>>>[Sounds chaotic.]<<<<<
    ---3Xer <15:04:28 / 06-15-56>

    >>>>>[Trust me, it is.]<<<<<
    ---Lord Magn8, Second District <15:38:50 / 06-15-56>

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