Here you will find several new additions to the shadow arsenal. Some of them, however, may be quite out of reach for most runners. But feel free to try. -- Oh yeah, special section...make sure to give a glance to the flamethrowers and the plama weapons sections.

Mmm...cyberware. Some of these are innovative additions while others are the fairly predictable type you were bound to have thought up yourself at some point. But give it a go regardless.

In my opinion one of the most underrated ideas to come out of the Sixth world. Unfortunately, no "official" document but Shadowtech has this kind of stuff. But I've tried to make my fair share of additions. -- Organic Datajack! Check it out.

This section is pretty much all hardware. I thought about throwing in some software, but since all of that is largely the same and just as easily cooked up by any decker, I left that area alone.

Broken down into two sub-categories, this has got your general run of chemical compounds ("drugs") and geneware ("post-natal genetic modifications").

Everything else use(-ful/-less) under the sun.