>>>>>[Yes folks, it has been my humble duty since the year of 2052 to dash about the Matrix gathering all the scoop on the "other" stuff you just might want to keep around.  Now this stuff is as varied as could possibly be so I've just compiled it over time in chronological order.  As usual, everything is subject to availability and I'm not responsible for the messes you get yourself into either trying to get this stuff or afterward or whatever.  Are we clear?  Oh, I'm glad.  So enjoy.  These are my 1s&0s...]<<<<<
---Chrome Eddie <01:44:16 / 10-16-56>

The Complete List of DocWagonTM Contracts

Contract Type Annual Fee HTR Discount Exteneded Care Discount Free Resuscitations
Basic 5,000¥ N/A N/A N/A
Bronze 7,500¥ 5% N/A N/A
Copper 10,000¥ 10% 5% N/A
Silver 15,000¥ 25% 10% N/A
Gold 25,000¥ 50% 10% 1
Preferred Gold 40,000¥ 50% 25% 2
Platinum 50,000¥ FREE 50% 4
Super Platinum 100,000¥ FREE 50% 5

Super Platinum customers are also exempt from paying Employee Death Compensation, as it is included in the yearly service cost.

NOTE! DocWagon offers custom plans at reasonable prices -- consult your local DocWagon affiliate!

>>>>>[entered 01-04-53]<<<<<
---Commander Zippo, SysOp

Personal Lifesigns Monitor
This little device is about the size of a wrist phone and monitors all of the body's vital signs.  It is strapped to the wrist and displays on its monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, rate of breating, and certain brain waves.

Concealability: 4 Weight: negligible
Cost: 2,000 ¥
Availability: Always Street Index: 1.5

>>>>>[entered 01-04-53]<<<<<
---Commander Zippo, SysOp

>>>>>[Way wiz!  Now I know exactly when to bug out.]<<<<<
---Geiger <10:15:14 / 01-04-53>

>>>>>[These are already things you should know...]<<<<<
---Fiddler <10:21:08 / 01-04-53>

>>>>>[For all the deckers out there, strap one of these bad boys on and get a spotter.  Tell him to jack you out at certain points (i.e. when you start to flatline...or when your blood pressure sky rockets...).]<<<<<

Animal Care Kit
This kit fits into a brief case and a carry-all bag.  It carries all the necessary equipment for the care of normal, non-magical creatures.  It includes a set of drugs for stabilizing an injured animal, wound dressings, special splints, harnesses, muzzles, and basic details on handling and care.  Also available for paranormals.

Animal Care Kit:
Concealability: 3 Cost: 1,000 ¥
Weight: 6 kg
Availability: 6/48 hrs Street Index: 1.9
Paranormal Animal Care Kit:
Concealability: 3 Cost: 5,000 ¥
Weight: 6.5 kg
Availability: 6/2 weeks Street Index: 3

RealSkinTM Sleeve
Brought to you by Yamatetsu Medical Technologies, the RealSkinTM sleeve is a realistic looking/feeling cover for your cybernetic limb.  The sleeve is complete with synthetic protein fibers, which look and feel like real body hair, with the density matched to your real limbs.  Also available are custom models with implanted sub-pseudo-dermal tattoos, camouflage, spur ports, and more.

Cost: 500 ¥ (more for custom models)
Availability: Always (3/8 days for custom models) Street Index: .5 (varies with custom models)

>>>>>[entered 05-22-54]<<<<<
---Commander Zippo, SysOp

TechnoAirTM Breather
Brought to you by Yamatetsu Medical Technologies, the TechnoAirTM Breather is the slickest respirator on the market.  Available in a variety of styles, the TechnoAir will filter all those unbreathable granules out of the air no matter where you live.  It's also made of a hypoallergenic non-plastic polymer for those unfortunate enough to be afflicted with such an allergy.

Cost: 600¥
Availability: Always Street Index: .75

>>>>>[entered 05-22-54]<<<<<
---Commander Zippo, SysOp

Yatruhito Chamelon Suit
The Yatruhito Chamelon Suit is made of arachnofibers and offers decent protection from injury .  However, it's primary protection comes from the "background matching" camouflage provided by the coat of ruthenium polymers.  The ruthenium polymers are powered by a rechargeable battery pack on the belt .  The suit covers the entire body, including special boots, gloves (which have a built in "medium" to enable the continued function of Smartlink systems), a storage pack, and a cowl for the head.  Special flare compensating goggles and an air filtration mask are included with the cowl.

Cost:  180,000¥ Weight: 2 kg
Availability: 18/1 year Street Index: 5
Armor Value: 3/1
Battery life is approximately 6 hours

>>>>>[entered 03-15-55]<<<<<
---Commander Zippo, SysOp

>>>>>[Sounds like one hell of an item.  Armor combined with...  This would be those "stealth suits" we've been hearing rumors about for the last five years, right?]<<<<<
---Kassette <08:19:32 / 03-19-55>

>>>>>[Yeah, this is one of them.  Apparently they still haven't worked all the bugs out yet.  Yatruhito was prepared to release them in '54, but something happened (no one knows what and they're not telling) which has delayed their release.  They've got disclaimers going out with every piece of these they ship, too.  They say the color matching software doesn't always act fast enough, especially if they start gunning you with light ... then the software tends to get dazzled.  Watch for upgrades in the software before the year is out, though.]<<<<<
---Rumor-Mel <10:31:19 / 03-22-55> 

Exo-Skeletal Bio-Frames

>>>>>[Fairly extensive document.  Linked and entered 01-01-56]<<<<<
---Commander Zippo, SysOp

A rigger's delight!  Smartwheels aren't really "wheels" ... they're more like approximately a thousand tiny spokes terminating in fat tread.  These spokes react to the road, turning the whole wheel into shock-absorbent suspension and adding incredible response for enhanced maneuverability.  Smartwheels include an integral component system dedicated to "reading" the road just ahead of the vehicle so the Smartwheels can react before you even hit that pot hole.  A must have for speed demons and off-roaders!

Cost: +15% vehicle
Availability: 5/3 weeks Street Index: 2.5
-1/-2 Handling.  +2 to Rigger's initiative per VCR level.

>>>>>[entered 06-20-56]<<<<<
---Commander Zippo, SysOp

>>>>>[These were slow in hitting the market, so trust me, they're quality merchandise.  I had a set of four on a Honda Spoiler GT for beta testing (don't ask me how they got my name) for over a year.  Then I turned them back in with my suggestions and comments and got to try out a "finalized" version of them.  Let's just say, I've tried to get them onto all my vehicles now.  I just don't have the cash yet...]<<<<<
---Zipperhead <19:22:34 / 06-26-56>

Daedali astraloptico
These simple, multicellular organisms were discovered in 2033 in the Great Lakes of North America.  Nevertheless, it was only recently discovered that they could be worn like contacts to provide the wearer with astral perception.  How this is accomplished is unknown, nor is it known if there are any harmful effects.  The UCAS government discourages individuals from using "Astralytes," though to date they have not outlawed them. 

Cost: 1,000¥ /pair
Availability: 6/10 hours Street Index: 2
Astralytes are only effective for approximately 6 hours of use, after which they die and become useless.

>>>>>[entered 09-06-57]<<<<<
---Commander Zippo, SysOp