Area Personalities

A street-side information broker and self-styled new-wave pimp, Cassius is a dreadlocked fixer upon whom many a Baltimore-area runner relies. Although he claims that he deals primarily in information, Cassius' bread-and-butter lies in prostitution. However, he merely provides protection for the men and women he refers to as "freelance flesh entertainment specialists"...

A former associate professor in the department of thaumaturgy and magickal studies at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. — and an extremely popular professor at that. His impressive lectures on applied alchemy and critical elemental theory were among the most well-attended in the university and second only to his smaller seminars on practical spellcasting. While Dr. Fowler's international reputation and legendary good-humor obviously contributed to his popularity, he was most respected for his critical approach to modern thaumaturgy and his fresh slant on the magickal crafts. However, he hasn't returned to the university since 2055 although numerous rumors seem to indicate him as something of a magical activist/terrorist in the region.

The Shoreman
Essentially a corporate wannabe, this self-styled up-scale/high-class fixer works the Washington-Baltimore circuit, milking it for whatever it's worth. The Shoreman tends to focus on the pertinent interaction of corporate and government data, making it his business to stay abreast of both areas and their intermingling middle ground.